Module Simula

Enum Class KeyWord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<KeyWord>, Constable

public enum KeyWord extends Enum<KeyWord>
The Simula Keywords and some additional symbols.

Link to GitHub: Source File.

Øystein Myhre Andersen
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final KeyWord ACTIVATE
      Simula Keyword
    • AND

      public static final KeyWord AND
      Simula Keyword
    • AFTER

      public static final KeyWord AFTER
      Simula Keyword
    • ARRAY

      public static final KeyWord ARRAY
      Simula Keyword
    • AT

      public static final KeyWord AT
      Simula Keyword
    • BEFORE

      public static final KeyWord BEFORE
      Simula Keyword
    • BEGIN

      public static final KeyWord BEGIN
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord BOOLEAN
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord CHARACTER
      Simula Keyword
    • CLASS

      public static final KeyWord CLASS
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord COMMENT
      Simula Keyword
    • CONC

      public static final KeyWord CONC
      Simula Keyword
    • DELAY

      public static final KeyWord DELAY
      Simula Keyword
    • DO

      public static final KeyWord DO
      Simula Keyword
    • ELSE

      public static final KeyWord ELSE
      Simula Keyword
    • END

      public static final KeyWord END
      Simula Keyword
    • EQ

      public static final KeyWord EQ
      Simula Keyword
    • EQV

      public static final KeyWord EQV
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord EXTERNAL
      Simula Keyword
    • FALSE

      public static final KeyWord FALSE
      Simula Keyword
    • FOR

      public static final KeyWord FOR
      Simula Keyword
    • GE

      public static final KeyWord GE
      Simula Keyword
    • GO

      public static final KeyWord GO
      Simula Keyword
    • GOTO

      public static final KeyWord GOTO
      Simula Keyword
    • GT

      public static final KeyWord GT
      Simula Keyword
    • HIDDEN

      public static final KeyWord HIDDEN
      Simula Keyword
    • IF

      public static final KeyWord IF
      Simula Keyword
    • IMP

      public static final KeyWord IMP
      Simula Keyword
    • IN

      public static final KeyWord IN
      Simula Keyword
    • INNER

      public static final KeyWord INNER
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord INSPECT
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord INTEGER
      Simula Keyword
    • IS

      public static final KeyWord IS
      Simula Keyword
    • LABEL

      public static final KeyWord LABEL
      Simula Keyword
    • LE

      public static final KeyWord LE
      Simula Keyword
    • LONG

      public static final KeyWord LONG
      Simula Keyword
    • LT

      public static final KeyWord LT
      Simula Keyword
    • NAME

      public static final KeyWord NAME
      Simula Keyword
    • NE

      public static final KeyWord NE
      Simula Keyword
    • NEW

      public static final KeyWord NEW
      Simula Keyword
    • NONE

      public static final KeyWord NONE
      Simula Keyword
    • NOT

      public static final KeyWord NOT
      Simula Keyword
    • NOTEXT

      public static final KeyWord NOTEXT
      Simula Keyword
    • OR

      public static final KeyWord OR
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord OTHERWISE
      Simula Keyword
    • PRIOR

      public static final KeyWord PRIOR
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord PROCEDURE
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord PROTECTED
      Simula Keyword
    • QUA

      public static final KeyWord QUA
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord REACTIVATE
      Simula Keyword
    • REAL

      public static final KeyWord REAL
      Simula Keyword
    • REF

      public static final KeyWord REF
      Simula Keyword
    • SHORT

      public static final KeyWord SHORT
      Simula Keyword
    • STEP

      public static final KeyWord STEP
      Simula Keyword
    • SWITCH

      public static final KeyWord SWITCH
      Simula Keyword
    • TEXT

      public static final KeyWord TEXT
      Simula Keyword
    • THEN

      public static final KeyWord THEN
      Simula Keyword
    • THIS

      public static final KeyWord THIS
      Simula Keyword
    • TO

      public static final KeyWord TO
      Simula Keyword
    • TRUE

      public static final KeyWord TRUE
      Simula Keyword
    • UNTIL

      public static final KeyWord UNTIL
      Simula Keyword
    • VALUE

      public static final KeyWord VALUE
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord VIRTUAL
      Simula Keyword
    • WHEN

      public static final KeyWord WHEN
      Simula Keyword
    • WHILE

      public static final KeyWord WHILE
      Simula Keyword

      public static final KeyWord ASSIGNVALUE
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord ASSIGNREF
      Simula Symbol
    • COMMA

      public static final KeyWord COMMA
      Simula Symbol
    • COLON

      public static final KeyWord COLON
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord SEMICOLON
      Simula Symbol
    • BEGPAR

      public static final KeyWord BEGPAR
      Simula Symbol
    • ENDPAR

      public static final KeyWord ENDPAR
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord BEGBRACKET
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord ENDBRACKET
      Simula Symbol
    • EQR

      public static final KeyWord EQR
      Simula Symbol
    • NER

      public static final KeyWord NER
      Simula Symbol
    • PLUS

      public static final KeyWord PLUS
      Simula Symbol
    • MINUS

      public static final KeyWord MINUS
      Simula Symbol
    • MUL

      public static final KeyWord MUL
      Simula Symbol
    • DIV

      public static final KeyWord DIV
      Simula Symbol
    • INTDIV

      public static final KeyWord INTDIV
      Simula Symbol
    • EXP

      public static final KeyWord EXP
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord IDENTIFIER
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord BOOLEANKONST
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord INTEGERKONST
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord CHARACTERKONST
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord REALKONST
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord TEXTKONST
      Simula Symbol
    • OR_ELSE

      public static final KeyWord OR_ELSE
      Simula Symbol
    • AND_THEN

      public static final KeyWord AND_THEN
      Simula Symbol
    • DOT

      public static final KeyWord DOT
      Simula Symbol

      public static final KeyWord NEWLINE
      Simula Symbol
    • STRING

      public static final KeyWord STRING
      Simula Symbol
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyWord

      private KeyWord()
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static KeyWord[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static KeyWord valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • toLowerCase

      public String toLowerCase()
      Returns the lower case version.
      the lower case version
    • toJavaCode

      public String toJavaCode()
      Returns the corresponding Java code.
      the corresponding Java code