Module Simula

Class StandardClass

All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable

public final class StandardClass extends ClassDeclaration
Standard Class.

Link to GitHub: Source File.

Øystein Myhre Andersen
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • typeText

      public static StandardClass typeText
      The type text.

      public static StandardClass ENVIRONMENT
      The Standard Class ENVIRONMENT.

      public static StandardClass BASICIO
      The Standard Class BASICIO.
    • CLASS

      static StandardClass CLASS
      The Standard Class CLASS.
    • Infile

      public static StandardClass Infile
      The Standard Class Infile.
    • Printfile

      public static StandardClass Printfile
      The Standard Class Printfile.

      private static StandardClass UNIVERSE
      The Standard Class UNIVERSE
    • File

      private static StandardClass File
      The Standard Class File
    • Imagefile

      private static StandardClass Imagefile
      The Standard Class Imagefile
    • Bytefile

      private static StandardClass Bytefile
      The Standard Class Bytefile
    • Simset

      private static StandardClass Simset
      The Standard Class Simset
    • Linkage

      private static StandardClass Linkage
      The Standard Class Linkage
    • Simulation

      private static StandardClass Simulation
      The Standard Class Simulation
    • Process

      private static StandardClass Process
      The Standard Class Process
    • Drawing

      private static StandardClass Drawing
      The Standard Class Drawing
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardClass

      private StandardClass(String className)
      Create a new StandardClass
      className - the class's name
    • StandardClass

      private StandardClass(String prefix, String className)
      Create a new StandardClass
      prefix - prefix class-identifier
      className - the class's name
    • StandardClass

      private StandardClass(String prefix, String className, Parameter... param)
      Create a new StandardClass
      prefix - prefix class-identifier
      className - the class's name
      param - the parameters
    • StandardClass

      public StandardClass()
      Default constructor used by Externalization.
  • Method Details

    • edJavaClassName

      public String edJavaClassName()
      Description copied from class: DeclarationScope
      Utility to edit JavaClass'Name
      edJavaClassName in class DeclarationScope
      the edited JavaClass'Name

      public static void INITIATE()
      Method to initiate all standard classes.
    • initTypeText

      private static void initTypeText()
      Initiate the The Type Text
    • initUNIVERSE

      private static void initUNIVERSE()
      Initiate the Standard Class UNIVERSE
    • initRTObject

      private static void initRTObject()
      Initiate the Standard Class RTObject

      private static void initENVIRONMENT()
      Initiate the Standard Class ENVIRONMENT
    • initBASICIO

      private static void initBASICIO()
      Initiate the Standard Class BASICIO
        begin ref (Infile) SYSIN; ref (Printfile) SYSOUT;
              ref (Infile)    procedure sysin;   sysin  :- SYSIN;
              ref (Printfile) procedure sysout;  sysout :- SYSOUT;
              procedure terminate_program;
              begin ... ;  goto STOP  end terminate_program;
                  class File 
             File class Imagefile
             File class Bytefile
        Imagefile class Infile
        Imagefile class Outfile
        Imagefile class Directfile
          Outfile class Printfile
         Bytefile class Inbytefile
         Bytefile class Outbytefile 
         Bytefile class Directbytefile
              SYSIN  :- new Infile("...");    ! Implementation-defined
              SYSOUT :- new Printfile("..."); ! files names;
        STOP: SYSIN.close;
        end BASICIO;
    • initCLASS

      private static void initCLASS()
      Initiate the Standard Class CLASS

      Simula Stadard States: Fictituous outermost prefix Any class that has no (textually given) prefix is by definition prefixed by a fictitious class whose only attribute is:

                        procedure detach; ... ;  (see 7.3.1)
      Thus every class object or instance of a prefixed block has this attribute.
    • initFile

      private static void initFile()
      Initiate the Standard Class File
        class File(FILENAME); value FILENAME; text FILENAME;
           Boolean OPEN_;
           text procedure filename; filename:=copy(FILENAME);
           Boolean procedure isopen; isopen:=OPEN_;
           Boolean procedure setaccess(mode);  text mode; ... ;
           if FILENAME = notext then error("Illegal File Name");
        end File;      
    • initImagefile

      private static void initImagefile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Imagefile
        File class Imagefile;
        begin text image;
           procedure setpos(i);  integer i;  image.setpos(i);
           integer procedure pos;     pos    := image.pos;
           Boolean procedure more;    more   := image.more;
           integer procedure length;  length := image.length;
        end Imagefile;
    • initInfile

      private static void initInfile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Infile
        Imagefile class Infile;
        begin Boolean ENDFILE;
           Boolean procedure endfile;  endfile:= ENDFILE;
           Boolean procedure open(fileimage); text fileimage;
           Boolean procedure close;
           procedure inimage;
           Boolean procedure inrecord;
           character procedure inchar;
           Boolean procedure lastitem;
           text procedure intext(w); integer w;
           integer procedure inint;
           long real procedure inreal;
           integer procedure infrac;
           ENDFILE:= true
        end Infile;
    • initOutfile

      private static void initOutfile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Outfile
        Imagefile class Outfile;
           Boolean procedure open(fileimage);  text fileimage;
           Boolean procedure close;
           procedure outimage;
           procedure outrecord;
           procedure breakoutimage;
           Boolean procedure checkpoint;
           procedure outchar(c); character c;
           procedure outtext(t); text t;
           text procedure FIELD(w); integer w;
           procedure outint(i,w); integer i,w;
           procedure outfix(r,n,w); long real r; integer n,w;
           procedure outreal(r,n,w); long real r; integer n,w;
           procedure outfrac(i,n,w); integer i,n,w;
          ... ;
       end Outfile;
    • initDirectfile

      private static void initDirectfile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Directfile
        Imagefile class Directfile;
        begin   integer LOC, MAXLOC;  Boolean ENDFILE, LOCKED;
           integer procedure location;  location:= LOC;
           Boolean procedure endfile;   endfile := ENDFILE;
           Boolean procedure locked;    locked  := LOCKED;
           Boolean procedure open(fileimage); text fileimage; 
           Boolean procedure close;
           integer procedure lastloc;
           integer procedure maxloc;
           procedure locate(i); integer i;
           procedure inimage;
           procedure outimage;
           Boolean procedure deleteimage;
           character procedure inchar;
           integer procedure lock(t,i,j); real t; integer i,j;
           Boolean procedure unlock; 
           Boolean procedure checkpoint;
           Boolean procedure lastitem;
           text procedure intext;
           integer procedure inint;
           long real procedure inreal;
           integer procedure infrac;
           procedure outchar(c); character c;
           procedure outtext(t); text t;
           text procedure FIELD(w); integer w;
           procedure outint(i,w); integer i,w;
           procedure outfix(r,n,w);  long real r; integer n,w;
           procedure outreal(r,n,w); long real r; integer n,w;
           procedure outfrac(i,n,w); integer i,n,w;
           ENDFILE:= true
        end Directfile;
    • initPrintfile

      private static void initPrintfile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Printfile
        Outfile class Printfile;
        begin integer LINE, LINES_PER_PAGE, SPACING, PAGE;
          integer procedure line; line := LINE;
          integer procedure page; page := PAGE;
          Boolean procedure open(fileimage); text fileimage; 
          Boolean procedure close; 
          integer procedure linesperpage(n); integer n; 
          procedure spacing(n); integer n; 
          procedure eject(n);  integer n; 
          procedure outimage;
          procedure outrecord;
          SPACING := 1;
          LINES_PER_PAGE := ... ;
        end Printfile;
    • initBytefile

      private static void initBytefile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Bytefile
        file class Bytefile;
        begin short integer BYTESIZE;
           short integer procedure bytesize; bytesize := BYTESIZE;
        end Bytefile;
    • initInbytefile

      private static void initInbytefile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Inbytefile
        Bytefile class Inbytefile;
        begin Boolean ENDFILE;
          Boolean procedure endfile; endfile:= ENDFILE;
          Boolean procedure open; 
          Boolean procedure close;
          short integer procedure inbyte;
          text procedure intext(t); text t; 
          ENDFILE:= true;
        end Inbytefile;
    • initOutbytefile

      private static void initOutbytefile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Outbytefile
        Bytefile class Outbytefile;
          Boolean procedure open; 
          Boolean procedure close; 
          procedure outbyte(x); short integer x; 
          procedure outtext(t); text t; 
          Boolean procedure checkpoint; 
        end Outbytefile;
    • initDirectbytefile

      private static void initDirectbytefile()
      Initiate the Standard Class Directbytefile
        Bytefile class Directbytefile;
        begin integer LOC, MAXLOC;  Boolean LOCKED;
          Boolean procedure endfile; endfile:=OPEN and then LOC>lastloc;
          integer procedure location; location := LOC;
          integer procedure maxloc; maxloc := MAXLOC;
          Boolean procedure locked; locked := LOCKED;
          Boolean procedure open; 
          Boolean procedure close; 
          integer procedure lastloc; 
          procedure locate(i); integer i; 
          short integer procedure inbyte; 
          procedure outbyte(x); short integer x; 
          Boolean procedure checkpoint; 
          integer procedure lock(t,i,j); real t; integer i,j; 
          Boolean procedure unlock; 
          procedure intext(t); text t; 
          procedure outtext(t); text t;
        end Directbytefile;
    • initSimset

      private static void initSimset()
      Initiate the Standard Class Simset
    • initLinkage

      private static void initLinkage()
      Initiate the Standard Class Linkage
    • initHead

      private static void initHead()
      Initiate the Standard Class Head
    • initLink

      private static void initLink()
      Initiate the Standard Class Link
    • initSimulation

      private static void initSimulation()
      Initiate the Standard Class Simulation
    • initEVENT_NOTICE

      private static void initEVENT_NOTICE()
      Initiate the Standard Class EVENT_NOTICE
    • initProcess

      private static void initProcess()
      Initiate the Standard Class Process
    • initMAIN_PROGRAM

      private static void initMAIN_PROGRAM()
      Initiate the Standard Class MAIN_PROGRAM
    • initCatchingErrors

      private static void initCatchingErrors()
      Initiate the Standard Class CatchingErrors
    • initDEC_Lib

      private static void initDEC_Lib()
      Initiate the Standard Class DEC_Lib
    • initDrawing

      private static void initDrawing()
      Initiate the Standard Class Drawing
    • initShapeElement

      private static void initShapeElement()
      Initiate the Standard Class ShapeElement
    • initTextElement

      private static void initTextElement()
      Initiate the Standard Class TextElement
    • findVisibleAttributeMeaning

      public Meaning findVisibleAttributeMeaning(String ident)
      Description copied from class: DeclarationScope
      Find visible attribute's Meaning
      findVisibleAttributeMeaning in class ClassDeclaration
      ident - attribute identifier
      the resulting Meaning
    • findRemoteAttributeMeaning

      public Meaning findRemoteAttributeMeaning(String ident)
      Description copied from class: ClassDeclaration
      Find Remote Attribute's Meaning.
      findRemoteAttributeMeaning in class ClassDeclaration
      ident - attribute identifier
      the resulting Meaning
    • codeSet

      private static Vector<CodeLine> codeSet(CodeLine... codeLine)
      Utility to hold a set of Java code lines
      codeLine - a sequence of Java code lines
      the resulting set of Java code lines
    • parameter

      private static Parameter parameter(String ident, Type type)
      Create a new Parameter
      ident - the identifier
      type - the type
      the newly created Parameter
    • parameter

      private static Parameter parameter(String ident, Type type, Parameter.Kind kind)
      Create a new Parameter
      ident - the identifier
      type - the type
      kind - the parameter kind
      the newly created Parameter
    • parameter

      private static Parameter parameter(String ident, Type type, Parameter.Kind kind, int nDim)
      Create a new Parameter
      ident - the identifier
      type - the type
      kind - the parameter kind
      nDim - number of dimensions for arrays
      the newly created Parameter
    • parameter

      private static Parameter parameter(String ident, Parameter.Mode mode, Type type)
      Create a new Parameter
      ident - the identifier
      mode - the mode
      type - the type
      the newly created Parameter
    • parameter

      private static Parameter parameter(String ident, Parameter.Kind kind, Parameter.Mode mode, Type type)
      Create a new Parameter
      ident - the identifier
      kind - the parameter kind
      mode - the mode
      type - the type
      the newly created Parameter
    • addStandardClass

      private void addStandardClass(StandardClass standardClass)
      Add a StandardClass
      standardClass - the StandardClass
    • addStandardAttribute

      private void addStandardAttribute(Type type, String ident)
      Create and add a new standard attribute
      type - the attribute type
      ident - the attribute identifier
    • addStandardAttribute

      private void addStandardAttribute(Type type, String ident, int iValue)
      Create and add a new constant standard attribute
      type - the attribute type
      ident - the attribute identifier
      iValue - the constant integer value
    • addStandardProcedure

      private void addStandardProcedure(Declaration.Kind kind, Type type, String ident)
      Create and add a new StandardProcedure
      kind - the declaration kind
      type - the procedure's type
      ident - the procedure identifier
    • addStandardProcedure

      private void addStandardProcedure(Declaration.Kind kind, Type type, String ident, Parameter... param)
      Create and add a new StandardProcedure
      kind - the declaration kind
      type - the procedure's type
      ident - the procedure identifier
      param - the parameters