Statutes of the SIMULA Standards Group (SSG)


Article 1. Objectives

The SIMULA Standards Group (SSG) is an organisation which at all times shall: 1.1 be the final arbiter in the interpretation of the SIMULA language definition and be a centre for custody of this formal definition. 1.2 standardise the SIMULA language by minimizing its changes and preventing occurrence of SIMULA translators violating the language definition. 1.3 provide a forum for discussion and exchange of information relating to the use of the SIMULA language and its support.

Article 2. Membership

2.1 The SSG offers both full and extraordinary membership. Only full members have voting rights. 2.2 Full membership is open to organisations and firms responsible for the maintenance and support of a SIMULA system. It is required that each such SIMULA system is in active use. Any such organisation may apply for and be voted a full SSG member. 2.3 The Norwegian Computing Center (NCC), Oslo, Norway is ex officio a full member of the SSG. In addition, the SIMULA Development Group (SDG) Chairman and the Association of SIMULA Users (ASU) Chairman are also full members of the SSG. 2.4 The SSG can offer extraordinary membership to individuals in recognition of their contribution to the SSG work. 2.5 Once granted an SSG membership lasts until: - it is resigned by a particular member - it is revoked by the SSG because the conditions under which it was granted cease to exist or the member acts against the objectives of the SSG. 2.6 There is no fee for SSG membership.

Article 3. Representation, Voting and Meetings

3.1 All SSG members shall appoint one person to be its representative in the SSG. The duration of this person's appointment is determined by the member. 3.2 The SSG shall meet once every calendar year for an Annual Meeting. This meeting will, in addition to eventual matters of an administrative character, handle proposals related to the SIMULA language definition as described in the Formal Rules of the SSG operation. The Annual Meeting shall also elect one of the full member's representatives as SSG Chairman. In addition to the Annual Meeting the SSG may have extraordinary meetings when this is approved by a majority of the members. Decisions can only be taken regarding matters on the agenda presented to the members at least 3 weeks before the meeting, unless all members agree otherwise. 3.3 To constitute a quorum, all members of the SSG shall be notified of the Meeting and at least one more than a half of the member representatives shall be present or give their votes by mail. 3.4 Decisions by SSG are made by a majority vote among the representatives taking part in the vote. Changes to the SSG Statutes or a decision to dissolve the SSG, require 4/5 majority, as well as the consent of the NCC. 3.5 The SSG meetings are open to non-members who wish to aattend. Such non-members will be granted observer status by the SSG. Observers have no voting rights and must apply to the SSG for each meeting they wish to attend.

Formal rules of the SSG operation

1. The main task of the SSG is the maintenance of the SIMULA language definition (Common Base) which consists of: a) a clarification of obscure parts of the definition. b) removal of possible conflicts in the definition. c) alteration of the definition in line with the approved changes in the language. 2. The following types of language changes can be directly considered by the SSG: a) obvious oversights that have occurred in the text of the language definition during editing/printing. b) removal of language restrictions that are proved obsolete for language consistency and implementation. c) trivial extensions to the existing concepts that are felt relevant for continued use of the language in changing environment. All other changes must first be handled by the SDG and passed over in the form of a formal recommendation. 3. All proposals for language changes conforming to the above rules must be formulated in writing in a concise manner and submitted to the SSG secretariat. Any SIMULA user may submit such a proposal. 4 It is the responsibility of the SSG Chairman to notify receipt of each proposal, to register it and schedule its processing at one of the SSG meetings. Alternatively the SSG Chairman may point out any inadequacies in a proposal to its submitter. In either case the proposal will be announced at the next SSG meeting which may approve or revoke the Chairman's decision related to this proposal. Complete material related to a particular proposal will only be submitted to SSG members when the proposal is to be processed at the next meeting or on specific request. 5. In its final form every proposal will be an updating text to the Common Base. It will further indicate the original submitter, date of submission and its motivation. Alternative forms of the proposal and reasons for their rejection are valuable parts of the document. An example of a suitable form is attached to these rules. The logical consistency of the text, its clarity and conciseness are of utmost importance. To this aim the SSG or its Chairman may allocate one particular SSG member to bring the proposal into the required shape if this is deemed necessary. 6. It is the responsibility of the SSG Chairman to notify the submitter of a proposal about the result of its processing by the SSG if this is not otherwise obvious. It is also his/her responsibility to minimize the time spent on each proposal. 7. The final text of the proposals will be available from the SSG secratariat as a supplement to the Common Base until they are incorporated into this at its next revision. To simplify this process, at its approval a proposal will be assigned a number reflecting both the Common Base version it applies to and its chronological order.
 Reg. No.:           Accepted as SIMULA Standard Change No.:

 Title              :

 Submitter          :

 Date               :

 Affected section(s):




 SSG decision on the above proposal: